
The Libby Family

By Hope Grafted In


The Libby Family

We are Darren and Crystal Libby and we would like to begin with a word of appreciation for being selected to receive the generous gift toward our adoption. God has truly shown Himself faithful and we continue to be gratefully expectant as He continues to provide for that which He has called us to do.

Crystal and I have been married for 5 years as of January 20, 2014. The first few years were under the understood assumption we would one day be expecting and deliver our oldest children. With names picked out and a plan set forth, we dreamed and vividly imagined our family. Three years into our marriage, I was playing guitar for a youth conference where David Nasser was asked to speak. We appreciated what he had to say and learned from his teaching that night, but did not think he would be the one God would place in our path to point out our disobedience. After all, I was just there to worship Jesus through song and be on my way. When the message turned to orphan care, David spoke about how there are those who are called to adopt kids who need homes that are filled with the love of Jesus, and there are those who are called to provide for them to do so. David looked directly at Crystal and I and said, “You’re thinking about adoption aren’t you?” We both tearfully nodded our heads, “yes” only to realize that we just admitted in public what God had been placing on our hearts in private over the past few months. Needless to say, the “family picture” we had imaged immediately changed to something more beautiful than we ever could have imaged or dreamed before. Thus, we began the process toward international adoption.

Once the process began we were amazed at the amount of support God surrounded us with by way of bringing other families into our lives that had been called to do the same. Literally in a matter of months, we went from knowing 1 or 2 families personally who had adopted to knowing dozens. The amount of knowledge, prayer, and support these families offered us is immeasurable.

The process has obviously been long and not without struggles. Even while waiting for our referrals the past two years, God has put an earnest longing and severe love for the ones He has for us that we have yet to see. Each day our heart grows with more intense love for those little ones longing for just that on the island of Samoa.

God has shown Himself more than faithful in providing for our kids as they make their way home. Whether it be in the form of juggling 4 part time jobs on top of our full times, running around organizing fundraisers and yard sales on lunch breaks, getting crafty with a sewing machine or glue gun, or taking the time to fill out and submit a grant application, we are exceedingly grateful for each opportunity He places in our paths to help us get one step closer to bringing our kids home. We look forward to teaching them of Jesus and His never ending faithfulness.

Thank you again for being a part of our journey!

With grateful hearts,

Darren & Crystal Libby

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