
New Additions

By Hope Grafted In


n this type of ministry, additions bring both celebration and sadness. We love to sit back and watch as God rescues His little ones from the darkness, despair, and rejection their lives once knew. He scoops them up into His arms and places them into a loving, God-fearing, protective new family and begins to restore their weary bodies and souls. We are honored to get to partner with these families providing some of the financial support that enables them to be that family. With glad hearts we rejoice each and every time a new child enters one of the ministries. We praise Him that one more has been rescued and we are humbled that we get a front row seat to watch the LORD work.

But at the very same time, our hearts break with every word of new children. It’s a reminder of how ugly our world is, how lost we all are without Him. The thought that even one child in this world can’t be raised by their family, brings us great sadness. We want to rush over there, pick up that precious one, hug them tight and whisper in their ear that they are loved, important, and not forgotten. With each new child who arrives at these ministries, also arrives the real need for more resources. It deflates us a little knowing that the little they have becomes even smaller until a sponsor comes along. We are reminded of how big the need is and how very small we are. But as long as there are orphaned and vulnerable children in this world, and as long as God calls us, we will do all we can in our power and pray for all of His power to continue to speak up on behalf of these precious little ones who cannot speak up for themselves.

Meet some of our new additions:

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