
5.4.1 Campaign

By Hope Grafted In


5.4.1 Campaign

The most tangible and effective way that you can help Hope Grafted In is to resolve to give something and by getting as many people as you can to commit to our 541 Campaign. We need people like you who can give up one luxury item a week such as a coffee, a movie rental, or a fast food meal to make a $5 weekly commitment to helping Orphaned and Vulnerable Children around the world. You might think that $5 dollars a week is an insignificant amount to make any difference in the struggle of OVC. Think of it this way: if only 150 people committed to giving $5 per week, in one year we will have raised almost $40,000 to meet the needs of our partner ministries in Kenya and Uganda and help them find justice, redemption, and sustainability. Please urge all of your friends to consider joining the campaign by designating your scheduled weekly $5 gift “541 campaign”.

If you need instructions for how to join, here you go! 1. Select the “Join the Campaign” button below. 2. When the give window pops up create a new account or login to an existing account. 3. Select the “scheduled giving” tab. 4. Select “5.4.1 campaign” in the fund drop down menu. 5. Enter the way you want to do your gift: $5 weekly, $10 twice a month, $20 monthly. You choose! 6. Enter account information. 7. Select “Activate Scheduled Giving” 8. You did it!

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